The hit new drama series returns with the remaining episodes of season two on September 11, 2015.
Two weeks later, (September 25, 2015) the series' third season will air ...
The hit new drama series returns with the remaining episodes of season two on September 11, 2015.
Two weeks later, (September 25, 2015) the series' third season will air ...
Direction Studios announced this week that the hit drama will end after its second successful season.
The adult comedy that takes place in a brothel and surrounds prostitutes ...
HBO officially announced to Direction Studios that they would not pick up the Pilot episode's transcript about a post-operated transgender woman named Miranda who teaches in high ...
The new hit situation comedy titled Hurricane Testicles was ordered in June, in 2014. The Pilot was green-lighted the same day as it was started being filmed.
The story ...
On 31st of October Direction Studios Television launced a brand new limited drama that had only one season and seven episodes.
The series named Damita Jo we already discussed ...